Venture Capital Trusts

What are VCTs - and why would you choose to invest in one?

What are VCTs - and why would you choose to invest in one?

Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) are listed, closed-ended tax-efficient investment schemes, designed to give investors exposure to businesses and industries in an early stage of growth.

VCTs allow investors to benefit from:

  • Income tax relief of up to 30% of their subscription amount on new shares (some or all of which investors may have to repay if they sell those shares within five years)
  • Tax-free dividends
  • Tax-free gains on sale of shares (after five years of new shares being issued)

Why invest in a VCT with Gresham House?

Our investment team has a successful track record of generating value for VCT shareholders through our Baronsmead, Mobeus VCTs, and Renewable Energy VCTs investment strategies.

The Baronsmead and Mobeus VCTs have been a consistent top performers amongst peers and are well regarded and recognised within the industry.

Our Renewable Energy VCTs are ranked ‘best in class’ compared to all other renewable energy VCTs launched in the same year.

How to invest in our VCTs

Our VCT offering provides exposure to either generalist early-stage UK companies through our Baronsmead trusts, or to the renewable and new energy sector through our Renewable Energy VCTs.

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