Natural capital and biodiversity - where are UK asset owners on their journey?

Commissioned white paper with Pensions for Purpose - June 2023

Commissioned white paper with Pensions for Purpose - June 2023

Biodiversity and natural capital white paper with Pensions for Purpose

Gresham House has teamed up with Pensions for Purpose to produce a research project and paper seeking to assess where UK asset owners – in particular pension funds – are on their journey of incorporating biodiversity and natural capital into their investment decision-making.

It also shows why they are considering natural capital in investments – for example, to reduce biodiversity loss and restore nature.

As a specialist asset manager with experience in managing natural capital assets, we commissioned this work to support the development of our product offering in the space and to educate asset owners on the current natural capital investing landscape.

To collect the data, Pensions for Purpose surveyed a range of asset managers and interviews were carried out across stakeholders – for example, asset owners and investment consultants.

The report aims to address:

  • How asset owners and their consultants view natural capital
  • What the market is for natural capital investment
  • Why asset owners are investing in natural capital


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